Harvesting - A Lammas Experience For Women‘Sometimes a woman aims high, and all goes well.
… Sometimes our best efforts do not go amiss: sometimes we do as we meant to. The sun will sometimes melt a field of sorrow that seemed hard frozen: may it happen for you.’ What have you harvested from the year’s growth? What has come to fruition? The harvest may be bountiful: it may be bitter. Whatever it may be, there will be an opportunity to gather in the corn and grain and cut down the old stalks; preparing the earth for the next year’s cycle. We will work with our dreams and share our stories. There will be time for individual quiet reflection, collective activity and ritual; outside weather permitting. The need to nurture the earth was an instinctual part of daily life for our ancestors. |
By re-membering seasonal celebration as well as reconnecting to the archetypal feminine we can reclaim and craft new healing rituals which can support and sustain our lives. So we will prepare a harvest festival with a range of possible ingredients such as:
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